It's so scary to think that today is the start of april and this time next week I'll be on holiday soaking up the sun in the Norfolk Broads. I'm planning on taking my camera so don't worry I'll take lots of photographs which for the readers that are following my facebook page I shall upload them onto there and write a blog about it when I get home, I'm sure I'll have plenty to talk about.
I have some absolutely amazing news which I keep meaning to tell you but kept forgetting to write on here. As you know in my last post I was getting my portfolio ready for university interviews and was very nervous. However it seems I didn't have anything to be worried about as my interview for University Campus Suffolk went alot better then expected. He asked me many questions like why I wanted to do the course and he loved my determination for reapplying this year after getting rejected last year. With that he offered me a place there and then on the spot which was amazing. I was smiling like a goon the whole walk home and my mum is so proud of me. I can't really say much for my dad he didn't give much away but I'm sure he is proud too. I cannot wait to start uni in September. I was distraught last year when I didn't get in but I'm so happy now knowing I got in by doing it all by myself.
I didn't get the chance to use these photographs as I took them at my nan's and by then I had already had my interview. I took them with my digital camera and loved the chance to photograph all the toys that my dad grew up playing with. My brother, sisters and me also played with most of them whenever we visited. I think these two photos are my favourites out of the ones I took. But I'm not really sure as to why. It might have something to do with the contrast and the feeling of being a kid again when I opened the cupboard and saw all these toys and games that haven't been touched in literally years.
I'm going to go now as I've just seen the time. My next post will be about my trip to New York I took last year, so make sure you come back. I'll being posting it on Wednesday.
Good night.
P.S remember to follow Tom. You can do that by clicking on his name (it's highlighted)
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