Hey guys and welcome to my new readers,
I know I've kind of put this post off seeing as, well most of you may have noticed that I had said that I would post something on wednesday or thursday and clearly I didnt. So I'm super sorry about that, but there is a reason behind it. Firstly I've been soooooo busy this week, what with babysitting my foster sister on all day whilst my mum went shopping (kind of gutted she didn't take me with her) However, she did buy me an amazing Animal t-shirt from the Disney store. As some of you may know Animal is my all time favourite muppet, though Kermit is closely following behind. I'm not really sure why he's my favourite he just is, maybe its to do with his crazy personality and his wild nature who knows. Anyway I'm drifting away from what I was talking about so back to the babysitting thing. I had to babysit my nephews on thursday afternoon which was hilarious and I loved it as always. I even got to start my personal project.
My personal project is about childhood, which will involve me taking photographs of toys, games and books. so far the only photo's I've got are of a teddy bear and a wooden train set. I promise I will post some of the pictures on here and write about them once the project is complete.
Hopefully, by then I'll have some university interviews. This is my second time applying for uni as I was unsuccessful last year. I'm convinced I'm the only person off my college course that applied for uni and didn't get in. It sucked so much as all my friends are usually now always busy everyday during the week so I hardly ever get to see them. As a matter of fact I can't actually remember the last time I saw them all together. The only friends I really get to see is soph (whose my best friend) and the guys from work, and that's only when I'm working. If I go out clubbing then I see a few more of my friends or the 'clubbing gang' as we used to call ourselves, sad I know but we were young then lool.
Another reason I'm only just writing this blog is because I was busy Friday finishing off my ucas form and sending that off and then ended up going to a gig in the evening down at a localish pub. Two of my friends are in bands that played at the gig. You should go check them out, both bands are amazing live and both have E.P's. Sadly I'm not sure how you are able to get hold of either e.p's unless face to face but I'm sure they'll arrange something at some point. Callum is in a band called Turning Days and Jamie is in a band called Rogues Cradle. The facebook page for Turning Days is -http://www.facebook.com/pages/Turning-Days/171711936204475 they have some of their music on there. I can't actually remember the name of the song I like the most but I know that if Callum was to read this he would only say that I like it because its about alcohol and something about me being an alcoholic. Which I must add I am not lol. It's kind of a little joke the 2 of us have with each other. Rogues Cradle also have a facebook page- http://www.facebook.com/roguescradle?ref=ts&sk=app_178091127385 . Make sure you check them out.
Lastly I had to do a double shift at work yesterday which seemed to be the longest day ever. Thankfully it was the last christmas function of 2011/2012 so there are officially no more parties until the end of the year (you can let out a cheer if you like haha) All the customers were very drunk and one or two of the male customers said that I had a gorgeous smile and could get away with murder with it. Now I wouldn't have minded this if both men hadn't been old enough to be my dad. Another worrying thing was that they started talking about kidnapping me because I knew where they were. It was all abit weird and I was so glad when they all went home.
I'm going to go to bed now seeing as it's nearly half 1 in the morning and I'm getting tired, plus the roulette casino is on the t.v and the guy is doing my head in. Sorry about my blog not being up to much this week guys I feel like all I did was explain why my post was late. I hope you enjoyed reading it anyway. Remember to let me know what you think and don't forget to check out my photography page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-Thompson-Photography/145795518848615 :)
Speak to you soon everybody. Goodnight