This is so cool, right now I'm typing this on my brand new phone. I downloaded the app for this so that if I'm ever out and about and the idea for a blog pops into my head I don't have to wait till I get home to type it out. I'm hoping this will only encourage me to to write more. Also seeing as I start university soon I might even be able to blog as I'm working on something such as a project or even just an idea of a personal project, the possibilities are endless.
St Andrews Church |
I took this photo today on my phone using an application called instagram. I'm guessing most of you would have heard of this, it's absolutely huge in the UK pretty sure anyone and everyone uses it lol.
Anyways I love the effects you can get in the editing section and as I visited the cemetery I looked up at the church and knew I wanted to take a photograph straight away. I visit this church quite a lot and last time I went I didn't have my camera with me so was unable to do anything.
Next entry will have some photo's on there that I took last week whilst I was on my holiday in Yorkshire. I took some that I'm hoping you guys will like.
Until then. Byeee