I seriously cannot believe it's been over 6 months since I last posted on here, sad times.
My first year at uni is almost finished just got to do a few more shoots on location for my current assignment, which is space and place (it's a bit like landscape) and then I am all finished for the summer holidays until October. YAAAY!
I've already done 2 on location shoots and have come up with a rough idea of the type of work I want to produce at the end, when I have to hand all my work in. Sadly I had to get an extension on my 2 current assignments as I was off ill for 2 weeks and so wasn't able to do a lot. I'm still waiting to hear on the outcome of said extension, but the university seem to be dragging it out a bit which could mean that by the time they do decide all my work could well and truly be finished. Haha.
Anyways I'm currently at the parents, as I'm going to London tomorrow to visit family, and couldn't sleep so thought I would come on here and type a cheeky/sneaky little post and see how you guys are doing. I apologise it's taken me so long, so to make up for it I'll include a few YouTube videos of some songs that I just can't seem to stop listening too at the moment. Most of you may have already heard of these but some of you may not have.
And on that note I shall bid you all farewell for now. I promise you next time I won't take so long to get my arse into gear before writing anything. And lets be honest I have 3 months coming up of doing absolutely nothing (unless I can get a job) so I really won't have much of an excuse.
Hope things are going well for you guys. Don't forget to leave a comment sometime, I'd love to talk to some or my lovely readers especially the ones that have followed me since day 1, which is scary to think was a year and a half ago D: (Life is going so fast, I don't want it too)
Bye Guys!