It's so cool that people from across the world are reading this even now as I'm writing this.
Anyway back to the blog. My photography work is mostly film. However, since I lent my camera to someone a couple of months ago, and have yet to get it back, I haven't been able to take any film photo's. It completely sucks, I miss being in the dark room and being able to see the photo appear on a blank piece of paper before my very eyes. It's like magic, which makes me sound like such a big kid but trust me, you won't believe it till you see it.
The last set of photo's I got to take was at my Nan's in August or September I can't remember it was so long ago. My Nan's house is exactly the same as it was when I was growing up, I used to go there every Sunday or Saturday when I was a kid. So the last time we all visited I walked around her bungalow and garden taking photo's of everything I remembered from my childhood of being there.
One of which was this birdcage. She's had it for as long as I can remember, she also has one in her conservatory. Sadly though she now seems to believe that they're real and talks to them on a frequent basis. It's so sad because you can tell that she's longing for some company, but replaces this by talking to inanimate objects. I suppose I should say my Nan has dementia, so she doesn't really make a lot of sense most of the time and when she does she'll repeat herself only a couple of minutes later. She developed it when my grandad died about 14 years ago.

My Grandad used to do quite a lot of gardening, so whilst I was at my Nan's I went into his old greenhouse and took photo's of some of the tool's he used to use. If it wasn't for the mould on the glass and the cracked windows, I would say that the greenhouse was exactly the same as when he last went in there. I also found his wheel burrow, which has probably only been used by my dad and my uncle in the last 15 years. I wish that we could visit my Nan more often but since we live over an hour and a half away from her, it isn't always possible. I hate seeing my Nan the way she is now.
Right I'm going to change the subject this blog seems to be getting a little depressing even if I do say so myself.
On an even lighter note my sister's friend got the 3 of us tickets to see Charlie Simpson live on tour in our home town in march next year. I can't wait, last time we saw him was in a different town, called Norwich, and we waited outside for almost 6 hours in the freezing cold. We didn't even get to meet him. However, we did get to meet the guy that plays the keyboard for him, and his backing vocals guy, Andrew and Nick. This time though we have VIP tickets, which means we get to go to his sound check, meet him and the other guys, get a photo with him. We also get signed copy of his set list and a guitar pick. I'm so excited and I can't wait to find out whose going to be his support act or acts.
Charlies friend Andrew is also a solo artist, so check him out. Yes I know I'm doing another promo but seriously these guys are amazing, and they deserve all the recognition they can get. We're trying to persuade both Andrew and Tom (you'll remember him from last weeks blog post) to do a gig in my town. I'm hoping it will be soon, I've yet to see Tom live. Anyways, Andrew has an E.P out, all you have to do is go over to his website and download his CD, he also has:
And for a taster of his music here's the video of my favourite song (which makes me convinced he lives in black cabs because he always seems to be in one) called Bad Bad Luck:
He also seems to let a lot of very random people into his taxi (haha).
And on that note I am off to bed I have a 12 hour shift tomorrow and need to be awake and ready for work by half past 10. I'll fill you in on the drunken shinanigans of the costumers in my next post. Its scary to think that the next time I write on this I'll be 21, I have sworn not to use technology on monday night when I'm drunk, seeing as last time I did this was Wednesday when I went out for a friends birthday. I ended up sending a tweet that included very VERY bad spelling. (once again sorry about that Tom) If you wish to send me birthday messages head over to my twitter!/SarahClickk and send me a lovely message (my birthday is on monday by the way)
Anyway good bye and goodnight
Sarah x
P.S Don't be afraid to send me cards and presents mwahahaha :P Love you guys
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