(Or happy holidays for those of you who don't celebrate christmas!!)
I hope you've all finished your present buying and are having a wonderful holiday season.
I'm slowly looking forward to it, which is about time as christmas is only less then 2 days away (scary stuff.) It just doesn't seem to feel christmasy at all. Maybe it's coz it's still quite warm outside and there's no snow yet. :(
It's hard to think that this time last year we were knee deep in snow that was slowly turning to ice. This country is rubbish when it snows because everything seems to come to a complete stand still, anyone would think we weren't prepared for it.
Anyway's, I've finally finished my christmas shopping, minus getting my little sisters present, which I will be buying tomorrow. (thank god for payday.) There are soooo many things I'm looking forward to about the holidays is seeing my family. I have my older sister, brother-in-law and their 2 boys are all coming over tomorrow (christmas eve) and boxing day. My auntie, uncle, cousin, her husband, and possibly my other cousin are all coming down from london for the day tomorrow to exchange presents ect. Then my older brother and his fiance are spending christmas morning and lunchtime with us before heading else where. There's something special about spending christmas day with family. I also get to see my bestfriend tomorrow so we can do present swap, I honestly hope she likes the stuff I got her because it was a nightmare to wrap (even if it was a box.) I can't wait to see what goodies both her and her mum got me :D.
What are everyone's plans for the holidays?
A majority of the christmas functions at work are over now I think, thank god I don't think I would be able to cope doing yet another double shift and now that i'm older my wages have gone up too so more money for me yaaay.
So last weekend I did some photography work for a local gymnastics group. I didn't get as much work done as I would have liked but I'm going back in the new year to redo everything and make lot's of money from people buying my photo's of their younger relatives doing their best. Some of the performers were so cute dressed up as little elves and fairies. The older gymnasts were amazing and so talented too. If i'm honest it made me a little jealous lol.
We spent two days down there, neither of which went to plan. We spent the first day trying to put the studio, or what we had of it, together. Trying to put studio lights together with no instructions and after never having done it before was quite a challenge to say the least. It took us a whole day to work out the layout for the lights and also the settings we were going to need on one of our camera's. I had my Canon ISO 500D and the guy I was with had his Nikon with him, I'm not sure which series number it was I'm not great with Nikon's they're too confusing haha.

After the first day didn't working out we had to try and complete a whole two days shoot in one day. Sadly we didn't complete, but as I said earlier we're going back in the New Year to redo all the posed portrait and group shots.
If you want to check out the rest of my photographs from the Extravaganza just check out my Facebook page at this link:- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-Thompson-Photography/145795518848615
I also have a twitter account which is connected to my page so if you want to follow me on there just click on one of my tweets. Don't forget to comment which photo's you like or if you have any questions just post them in the comments below and I shall answer as soon as I can.
I'm off to bed now to try and get some sleep before seeing all my family tomorrow and also to help get over this annoying and stupid infection.
I'll leave you with a little something to help you get into the Christmas spirit. Some of you may remember a singer called Tom Law. Well he supported the feeling in Brighton and Bath this past week which is sooooooo cool seeing as I love the feeling, I haven't listened to them in ages, and also Tom, he's pretty damn amazing too if you haven't checked him out already. He did a little Christmas song medley. And here it is....................
It amazes me how he managed to fit the songs together so well.
Goodnight guys and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I can't help but notice my posts get longer and longer each week. Oopsies. I'll try not to make the next one so long.
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