Friday 16 August 2013

Some Advice Please?

Hey guys,
It's been a while huh? Sorry about that I've been a bit slacked of late. 
Just thought I would inform you guys of something possibly amazing that has come to me this week. 

So I just received an email (which would have go to everyone on my course) from uni offering a once in a life time opportunity.
It was for a photography competition where the prize is a chance to go to the slums of Armenia, Chad or Sri Lanka and document women living in poverty. You also get mentoring as well as working along a magnum photographer (learning from the very best) and £1,000 with all expenses paid for. The photographs will used for Oxfams spring 2014 campaign, which would be a huge Privilege and an amazing way to get your work out there and get recognised. 

Thing is I'm battling with myself as to whether or not I'm worthy of applying and if they would just be wasting their time on me if I got selected. I love documentary photography and it's what I would love to do once my degree is over.

Sadly my parents aren't too keen on the idea of me going to a third world country for work (they aren't massive supporters of what I want to do, they just think photography is about taking pretty pictures, but it's more then that, so much more!)

So do I go for it and if I don't get it then I can say at least I tried or do I not bother and forget about it with the possibility of 10-15years down the line wondering what if? 

Some advice please my lovely readers
Much love x

Saturday 8 June 2013


         I seriously cannot believe it's been over 6 months since I last posted on here, sad times.
My first year at uni is almost finished just got to do a few more shoots on location for my current assignment, which is space and place (it's a bit like landscape) and then I am all finished for the summer holidays until October. YAAAY!

I've already done 2 on location shoots and have come up with a rough idea of the type of work I want to produce at the end, when I have to hand all my work in. Sadly I had to get an extension on my 2 current assignments as I was off ill for 2 weeks and so wasn't able to do a lot. I'm still waiting to hear on the outcome of said extension, but the university seem to be dragging it out a bit which could mean that by the time they do decide all my work could well and truly be finished. Haha.

Anyways I'm currently at the parents, as I'm going to London tomorrow to visit family,  and couldn't sleep so thought I would come on here and type a cheeky/sneaky little post and see how you guys are doing. I apologise it's taken me so long, so to make up for it I'll include a few YouTube videos of some songs that I just can't seem to stop listening too at the moment. Most of you may have already heard of these but some of you may not have.

And on that note I shall bid you all farewell for now. I promise you next time I won't take so long to get my arse into gear before writing anything. And lets be honest I have 3 months coming up of doing absolutely nothing (unless I can get a job) so I really won't have much of an excuse.

Hope things are going well for you guys. Don't forget to leave a comment sometime, I'd love to talk to some or my lovely readers especially the ones that have followed me since day 1, which is scary to think was a year and a half ago D: (Life is going so fast, I don't want it too)

Bye Guys!

Sunday 28 April 2013


Hi guys,
            Long time since I've been on here. I've been so busy with uni and just simply. However, today I got to go to a Holi Festival. For those of you who don't know its an Indian Festival of colour. It's basically a huge bunch of people throwing paint powder around for a couple of ours. I had an amazing time throwing paint at each other.
 Sadly though there wasn't as many people there as I would have hoped and with it being in a huge park, which meant people were spread all over the place.

I'm hoping that next year, there will be more people so i'll be able to get better photo's.
Sorry this post is short. I'll post a new one as soon as my latest assignment is over.

Love you guys 

P.s I wrote this in April and for some reason never posted it :/

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Documentary in the Workplace

Hey guys
So I know this post is long overdue and well to be honest with you I've started and restarted this post so many times I've lost count.
However I thought I would write it now seeing as I can't sleep and I'm hoping it helps with the situation seeing as I have uni in the morning. We've been given a new brief which I'm kind of struggling with as its based on medium and large format colour film and working in the studio whilst also shooting portraits.
For our last assignment we had to go out and photograph someone working, with the idea in mind that our work (which had to be a series of between 3-6 silver prints) would be posted in a newspaper called The Guardian. I completely forgot about this part of the assignment and went off to do my own thing not really thinking if my work would be selected for a paper, Whilst also bending the rule of photographing someone we didn't know. I'm a bit shy at times and so approaching someone I had never met before and expecting them to let me take a series of pictures of them was massively daunting for me, which is why I chose someone i knew.
As you can see I went into a tattoo shop and given that our assignment had to be shot on 35mm black and white film I was in absolute heaven. As some of you may know I am massive lover of film photography, so I already knew what to expect in the outcome of developing the 6 rolls of film that we had to shoot.
There was one incident where I had gone into the shop as planned only to find out that the woman I was meant to be photographing had called in sick. In a way this did work in my favour as , even though I was put out by the fact I had wasted a morning, it made me want to go to other shops to make sure that my whole day wasn't a total waste of time. So even though I had originally decided to twist one of the rules a bit I did end up following them.
I do really feel that this project made me a better person and a better photographer as I had to try things that I had never done whilst I was at college. This was mainly pushing the film ( upping the ISO to 800 from 400) as the lighting in the shops weren't ideal for using the faster shutter speeds that were needed to get any form of decent photo's and its definitely knowledge that I will keep with me for the rest of my career.
I will include the photographs that I chose for my final 6 images in a separate post which will allow me to talk about the photographs one by one.
However right now its late and I should really try to get some sleep as not to fall asleep in my class tomorrow. I'm also planning on going into the darkroom to get some prints done for the guys that let me use them as my subjects however this will only be possible if the shop is open to collect my paper from.

I shall write to you all again soon I promise.
Sarah x

Monday 5 November 2012

New Post Coming Soon!

Hi All,
I just wanted to let you know that I have been rather busy lately doing work from University. However, I shall be writing a brand new entry at some point this week (or if I get the time, maybe 2) I have a lot to fill you all in on from whats been going on in my life. So don't fret I haven't forgotten about you guys.

I hope you will all like the new changes I will be making to the layout too (It's going to be pretty big......I hope lol)

Sarah x

Thursday 4 October 2012

London bound

I'm currently sat in a cafe at uni waiting for us to all get on the coach for a trip to London that my course has arranged.
We've been told we're going to the Barbican and Tate Modern. I must admit even though I've been to Tate Modern before I'm still looking forward to this and I'm seriously hoping that seeing as I'm taking my camera I get the chance to get a few shots whilst I'm there.
The last few times I've been to galleries in London (all times being just to look at old paintings that don't interest me in the slightest) finally I get to go and look at some actually photographic work, possibly by people I've researched for projects back when I was at college.

If I do manage to get photographs done thats what my next post will be about. And if not then I'll just have to write about the exhibitions.

Until next time byeeeeeee

Friday 14 September 2012

Old Cars

I've been a busy little bee over the last couple of weeks. I've moved into my student accommodation ready for when I start my university course in October and I have also been on holiday. I stayed in the U.K but I think you don't have to always go abroad to have a great time. This year I went to Pickering in North Yorkshire.

Whilst there we went to a small village called Goathland. There wasn't a lot there a few shops, a couple of pubs and a train station that was only used by steam trains, which I must admit was pretty cool as it was used as Hogsmead Station in the Harry Potter movies. Some of you from you UK might even remember a TV show called Heartbeat. It was set in the 60's and it was a bit like a soap opera but was only on once a week. My parents loved the show. Anyways we found an old petrol station/car repair hut that was used in the show and it still had some of the old cars parked at the side of it. 
This is Morris Minor was one of those cars I loved that you could tell that it had just been left to the elements. As you all know I love old things mostly old derelict buildings. However when I saw these cars I couldn't help myself.
I tried to draw some inspiration from Melissa's work from Fractured Porcelain that I showed in a post a couple of months ago. (click the link to go to her facebook page) Her photo's are absolutely amazing, they're such beautiful images and she has such talent for someone of such a young age.
I'm not really sure what else I can really say on this. I apologise for such a short post today. Remember to check out my facebook page as there's plenty more images on there from my trip last month.
I'm going to Brighton in about a month so I'm hoping i'll be able to get some photo's when I visit. If I manage to then I shall post something on here :).

Good night all.